For Veterinarians

Wilvet Salem provides emergency services to your veterinarian.

We ARE available to accept your patients for transfer, both critical and stable.

Wilvet Salem is available 24/7 with around-the-clock nursing and DVM staff for your patients who should not be left alone or need intensive care. We do understand the financial concern of transferring a patient to an overnight care facility and thus in an effort to lessen that concern, Wilvet Salem encourages rDVMs to send patients with IV catheters and fluid bags, injectable/oral medications, and treatment plans. Wilvet Salem will provide analgesics. All medications sent with a patient must be appropriately labeled with Rx labels which should include the route and time of necessary administration. Any additives in IV fluid bags must be accurately labeled as well. Your client will receive an estimate for care provided by Wilvet Salem for treatment and care. With careful review of your records, the use of included plans and supplies that you send will save them money and ensure the continuity of care that we strive for in any transfer patient.

Please call ahead for transfers. Ideally, we will facilitate a DVM-to-DVM conversation, however, we value your time and have created an intake sheet that can be utilized by a senior member of our team to relay pertinent information. Welcome the opportunity to treat any and all patients overnight, this specific package is for that stable patient that needs fluids and injectable medication overnight with appropriate monitoring. As will be discussed with any rDVM and owners if the patient deteriorates overnight we reserve the right to provide any and all care possible that owners agree to. Our ambition is to provide basic care and monitoring overnight and either send the patient back in the AM to rDVM or send the patient home with rDVM discharge instructions reiterated.

We are able to provide additional diagnostics including CT and Abdominal Ultrasound to radiologists. We also have many continuous supportive care options including oxygen therapy, CRIs, EKG monitoring, and critical patient monitoring at all hours. We have portable Oxygen systems available for purchase in advance of the trip for severely oxygen-dependent patients. Please send all patients with copies of all medical records, diagnostics, and requested care plans overnight with a phone call to Wilvet Salem and we will do our best to collaborate efforts to get your patients home safely or back to the rDVM clinic for continued care. Your choice!

Thank you for the opportunity to provide this service to your patients, we look forward to collaboration in the future and as always welcome any comments, questions, concerns, and or complaints. To streamline communication feel free to email with any concerns and your questions will be routed appropriately!

Did you know? rDVM transfers are treated at the highest level of priority.

Included in rDVM transfers

  • Referral examination by attending veterinarian and nurse
  • Discussion and collaboration on a treatment plan with rDVM for overnight care

What to expect for your referred patient/client

  • Detailed treatment plan with cost estimate discussed with the client.
  • Hospitalization with hourly monitoring, nursing care, and record keeping
  • T-port application or catheter replacements as necessary
  • Administration of IV fluids (sent by rDVM or provided) as needed. Oxygen Cages and Nasal Cannulas provided
  • Administration of injectable or oral medications (sent by rDVM) and provision of additional medications as needed.
  • Surgery, Imaging, Monitoring, Extensive in house diagnostics, and Intensive Care are available 24/7/365

Specialty referral coordination available as deemed necessary by all parties

What we ask of you in order to make a smooth transition and conserve costs for your clients –

  • A phone call from referring veterinarian to the hospital veterinarian
  • Copy of all medical records to be emailed to or hand delivered by the owner
  • All medications that are intended to be given overnight to the patient excluding analgesics labeled and sent with the patient/owner (unless you would like us to provide them)
  • Patent IV catheter (replacements available as needed) if IVC placement is difficult please let us know, we have expert technicians to accommodate these pets. Please send with intact veins.
  • First bag of IV fluids to be sent with patient/owner from rDVM (if already started)

Additional charges may be incurred if –

  • Patient deteriorates and requires additional care – to be discussed with owner before hospitalization and at time of need

Clients will be contacted directly to coordinate plan changes if deemed necessary